Muringayila Thoran|| Drumstick leaves Stir Fry||Ep no :191

Drum stick leaves are tiny and green in color.The leaves have numerous diet values and it's very healthier.It can be grown simply, cheaply and the leaves keep lots of vitamins and minerals.These leaves builds immunity against joint pain, mouth ulcer , stomach ulcer , fever and eye diseases.The drumstick is responsible for reduction of sugar level in the blood.


Drum stick leaves- One basin full
Coconut- One cup , freshly grated
Garlic - Four Nos
Cumin seeds - Quarter teaspoon
Turmeric powder- Quarter teaspoon
Red chili powder- Half teaspoon
Coconut Oil - Three tablespoon
Mustard Seeds - Quarter teaspoon
Salt - As per taste

Method of preparation
Take a basin full of drum stick leaves, remove its stem.
In a mixi jar, take six tablespoon of freshly grated coconut,four garlic , quarter teaspoon of cumin seeds, quarter teaspoon turmeric powder, half teaspoon of red chili powder, salt and crush well.
Grinded / crushed coconut should mix well to the drum stick leaves.
Keep a pan, add three tablespoon of coconut oil.
When coconut oil heats up, add quarter teaspoon of mustard seeds
Once mustard seeds pop up, add drum stick leaves, mixed with coconut.
Cover and cook on medium flame .
Once drum stick leaves cooked well,make it dry and switch off the flame.
Serve with hot rice or porridge.

Short video :

Dedicated to Amma.
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