Kachil Puzhukku|| Cooked Purple Yam|| Ep No:176

Purple yam other wise known as Dioscorea alata or greater yam , which is a species of yam.These tubers are usually lavender in color but can range from white to cream in color.As they has got bright lavender color, they got the name as purple yam.These are edible tubers which has got mildly sweet and nutty taste resembles sweet potatoes or taro.Having purple yam in the diet gives huge impact on health.These yams regulate metabolism and improve heart function.Eating adequate amount of purple yams helps to regulate body weight and good for managing cholesterol levels.Purple yams are starchy root vegetable that has got great source of carbohydrates , potassium and vitamin C. 100 grams of cooked purple yams provide: Calories :140 Carbohydrates : 27grams Protein : 1 gram Fat :0.1 grams Sodium :0.83% of the daily value Potassium : 13.5% of the daily value Calcium : 2% of the daily value Iron : 4% of the daily value Vitamin C: 40 % of the daily value Vitamin A : 4% of the daily value . I...