Mothira valayam On Trees || Girdling Process || Making Rings On Trees || Aranjanam || Ep No : 130

Trees use two vascular tissues to transport water and other nutrients .They are the xylem , which is called the wood and the phloem , which is the innermost layer of the bark in the trees.Girdling process is the removal of phloem and death occurs due to the lack of sugar transport to the roots .Ring barking techniques stimulate the trees for early flower production and thus helps to increase fruiting.The girdling process temporarily stops the growth in the trees.Girdling can be done only on healthy plants where the trees has not yield well for long time.

Method :

Always use strong and sharp knife to make rings on trees.It is better to use a sterilized steel knife, but sharpened iron knife also can do well.

Create rings on those trees which has not formed fruit for more than ten years after planting.

Especially on mango trees,this process is much more effective , but can be applied to any trees of more than ten years of age.

Make rings above five feet from bottom and half an inch width to the ring.

If excess circle width has made can destroy the trees.

Make sure there is no injury formed to the wood other than outer skin of the tree.

Once the ring created, there is a gap is formed to pass the nutrients from root to the branches of tree.

Tree recognize it as the end of the life soon and try to make a mark of its existence by trying reproducing fruits.

Ideal time to do this process on trees is  is on September to October month .

It is not advisable to make rings when it is too rainy or sunny season.

After a good rain , when there is light sunny days have started, those days are preferred.

Make rings only to trees of more than ten years and make extra care on bud trees while making rings and after the process.

Because withstanding power is less on bud trees.

It is always better to provide potassium rich manure before creating rings to trees and avoid fatigue to trees.

Here we made rings to a mango tree, two gooseberry tree,one orange tree and one jack fruit tree.

Usually will flourish and start to make fruit by the same seasons in which the ring has been created.

Hope fully by the beginning of next year will start flourish and make fruits on the trees.

Surely will do an update video on this.

Please share your valuable experience of your ring making on trees too.

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 Thank you

Dedicated to Mummy. Follow us: Instagram :orchidcafe4u Twitter :orchidCafe Facebook :orchidCafe Gmail
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