ozhuka Peera Vaechathu || Indian Anchovy Curry With Shredded Coconut || Ep No :71

Indian Anchivy (Stolephorus Indicus ) / Hardenberg's Anchovy is a species of Oceanodromous fish, belongs to the Family Engraulidae. It's an yummy fish recipe with the taste of coconut and the flavor of fresh coconut oil. The tanginess of Malabar Tamarind will combine with coconut and gives you a heavenly taste. Indian Anchovy is a rich source of calcium. The fish can be consumed along with its bones. Very tender fish bones are rich in calcium and hence its a best recipe for children, elders and pregnant women. Here's the recipe of Indian anchovy curry with shredded coconut . It's the best combination with hot rice or tapioca. Take 4 green chilies, 2 pieces of ginger , 8 shallots. In a bowl take 10 small pieces of Malabar Tamarind, add a tablespoon salt and soak by adding water for 10 to 15 minutes. Chop green chilies into 3 to 4 big pieces , cut ginger into thin pieces lengthwise, cut shallots into thin pieces and crush one bulb of garlic. To an earthen pot add 2 tables...